
November 16, 2022

Prayer Message  Do you feel the rising negativity around the world? Do you sometimes feel alone, like no one understands you? This is a

October 28, 2022

Today’s Prayer Be the Farmer in your life and plant your seeds in Good Soil. Be willing to commit to and do the work

October 20, 2022

Today’s Prayer Hallelujah! The Lord calls us sevenfold as His believers and spiritual descendants of our great father Abraham, to be His overcomers, those

October 13, 2022

Today’s Prayer Lord, you bless me mightily in this Present Moment. I am on a Journey in my life, striving towards my goal, walking

October 7, 2022

44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks
Seven Steps to Inner Power​
The First Element
The Silent Master