Get to Know Jesus November 16, 2022 Prayer Message Do you feel the rising negativity around the world? Do you sometimes feel alone, like no one understands you? This is a
Prayer message for those who lost their lives: Seoul Stampede and Indian Bridge Collapses October 29, 2022 Today’s Prayer My deepest condolences to all those who lost their lives: On October 29 in Seoul, S. Korea, when the sudden crowd surge
Matthew 13:3-9 October 28, 2022 Today’s Prayer Be the Farmer in your life and plant your seeds in Good Soil. Be willing to commit to and do the work
Revelation 2:7 October 20, 2022 Today’s Prayer Hallelujah! The Lord calls us sevenfold as His believers and spiritual descendants of our great father Abraham, to be His overcomers, those
Daniel 12:3-4 October 13, 2022 Today’s Prayer Lord, you bless me mightily in this Present Moment. I am on a Journey in my life, striving towards my goal, walking
Peter 12:44-46 October 7, 2022 44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks