Here is an excerpt from my book, The Silent Master: Awakening the Power Within:
If you have trouble trusting, you will tend to feel fearful and powerless when you have to deal with obstacles that seem beyond the power of your physical self to cure. But think of this. Could the Life Force that created the universe and created you be so unreliable as to leave you stranded in any situation? Isn’t your Life Force beating your heart right now? Your Silent Master the universal Life Force is the closest thing to you. It is your breath, your heartbeat, and your warmth. All over the world, new life of all kinds is being born, showing us over again how Life comes into being by itself.
Since the Life Force exists eternally, everywhere, with or without you, trust is something only you can do. You can choose to acknowledge the Life Force as your own, and act as one with it. Or you choose to ignore it, in which case you can’t use it, and you will feel powerless.
Trusting your Silent Master is one of the ways you make your connection to the universal life force real and powerful and present.
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