Love is eternal. Love is real.

Here is an excerpt from my book, The Silent Master: Awakening the Power Within:

“But Love is eternal. Love is real. Love is really the only goal, because it is the only fulfillment, the only happiness. Thus, the real purpose of any goal you have in life is to find Love. When you fulfill your goal, you will undoubtedly feel the joy and Love within you.


You may think the love and joy come from achieving your goal. The truth is: winning the goal awakened the Love already within you. After you find that Love and feel that joy, it’s up to you to keep it. Once you know it is within you, it is yours forever. The real purpose for setting goals and realizing them is to find the Love already within you, which shines and survives through every material circumstance. After you find that Love and feel that joy, it’s up to you to keep it. Once you know it is within you, it is yours forever. The real purpose for setting goals and realizing them is to find the Love already within you, which shines and survives through every material circumstance. After you find that Love and feel that joy, it’s up to you to keep it. Once you know it is within you, it is yours forever.”

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Seven Steps to Inner Power​
The First Element
The Silent Master