
Here is an excerpt from my book, The Silent Master: Awakening the Power Within:


Dr Tae Yun Kim Quotes

Rebirth is not something that happens and then ends. Rebirth is an ongoing process, a daily practice that goes on for your entire life. This means that as you continue to move down your life’s path, you will constantly be made aware of changes you need to make, and will constantly be reborn as you make them.

Dr Tae Yun Kim Quotes

You will always be striving to look at yourself impartially, like a doctor examining a patient for the first time studying the symptoms, trying to gain insight into the source of the trouble, and prescribing the appropriate cure. Only by being willing to constantly look at your weaknesses can you constantly do something about them. This becomes a way of living, and this process requires the inner power steps of Love and Loyalty: love of your real Self, and loyalty to your goals.

 Dr Tae Yun Kim Quotes

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Seven Steps to Inner Power​
The First Element
The Silent Master