In my book, The Silent Master: Awakening the Power Within
THE SEVEN STEPS TO SELF-DISCOVERYIf your life is not filled with forms that are as pure and true as you’d like them to be, be assured that even these negative pictures have a purpose. The negatives in your life simply show you where your thinking can be corrected, where your beliefs need to be examined, and where you can take positive action to change your environment. Any disharmony, any illness, limitation, unhappiness, or tragedy is an opportunity to open to the reality of your True Self, to tap into your ever present Silent Master consciousness within. It’s an opportunity to start on a journey of true self discovery.And what are the goals of this journey? The discovery of peace and joy. The discovery of inner power, healing, and freedom! Whatever path develops for you when you make the decision to discover your true self starts you on the way to the goal of freedom.
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