He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!

He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!

24th Annual Induction Ceremony and Inaugural Curt Flood Platinum Award

As a member of the Executive Board of the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame, I salute and congratulate all the award recipients of the 24th Annual Induction Ceremony and Inaugural Curt Flood Platinum Award.

Inaugural Curt Flood Platinum Awards:
Dave Stewart (MLB)
Rick Barry (NBA)
Ryan McBean (NFL)

Special Awards:
Dwaine “Pete” Longmire (Humanitarian Forgiveness Award)
Monte Poole (Outstanding Media Award)

Class of 2024 Inductees:
Clifford Ray (NBA)
Alexis Gray Lawson (WNBA)
Mohinder Singh Gill (Track and Field)
Travis Williams (NFL)
Leon “Bip” Roberts (MLB)

Super congratulations to Arif Khatib, Founder/President of the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame (MESHOF) who shoulders the responsibility of honoring and immortalizing some of the greatest athletes in our history and sharing their remarkable stories with a global audience.

Arif’s efforts create a lasting legacy that transcends time. His commitment to supporting our youth through after-school programs is truly commendable.

In a world marked by chaos and unpredictability, individuals who step forward to take ownership and effect positive change are invaluable to inspire hope. I am proud to be part of this journey with all of you.

The mission of the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame is to broaden the public’s understanding of the role of diversity and cultural tolerance in the growth of professional sports. The Hall of Fame gives the world the opportunity to better understand the impact that different ethnic groups have had on American sports and society. MESHOF honors those who have achieved their goals, no matter their race, gender or ethnicity.

To learn more, click here to check out the official Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame (MESHOF) website.

Let’s Celebrate Every Living Breath as if were our last!
Whenever you are facing difficulties, remember, He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not ME!
Together let’s Break Through to Awesome!

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